Category Archives: hardware

I’m A Logitech Man (part 3) – The Logitech G710+ Mechanical Keyboard

So recently, I was at a local computer expo (Comex or IT Show, can’t remember which) in 2014. Why did I wait so long to write this? Easy – I wanted to give this keyboard a REAL test first. I needed to see and feel it in action for everyday use as well as frantic gaming moments. So yeah, roughly 8 to 9 months later, I finally sat down to write this.

Anyway long story short, I came across this booth where they were selling lots of peripherals, like mice, gamepads, joysticks etc. What caught my eye were 2 products – The Logitech G710+ Keyboard, and the Razer Black Widow Keyboard. At that point in time, Razer was cheaper by about $20 or $30, I forget. The reason why I opted for the Logitech was simply because my mouse was already a Logitech one, which meant I already have the gaming software for the keyboard. May as well use the same software to manage the keyboard as well instead of having to run the one from Razer.

Logitech G710+

Continue reading I’m A Logitech Man (part 3) – The Logitech G710+ Mechanical Keyboard

Nighthawk KAI-3 Keyboard

The other day while just strolling past some shops in Sim Lim Square, something caught my eye – A cheap, backlit keyboard!

As a gamer, a backlit keyboard is VERY useful. Even better that it is “cheap”.  By “cheap”, I mean SGD 50 bucks or less. Now, last year I bought myself a Logitech G105 keyboard and was actually pleased with it. It was SGD 65 and I already was thinking it was cheap, because backlit keyboards are usually over SGD 100.

Physically, the Logitech keyboard is fine. It’s still working, and all the lights are fine. However, after 1 year of constant use, WASD keys have been worn down and now it’s just a big huge hole there where the blue light shines through. Honestly I was not even thinking of getting a new keyboard until I happened to walk past this stall, and saw this – Nighthawk KAI-3.

Continue reading Nighthawk KAI-3 Keyboard

Using Existing DIR-655 Router with Starhub MaxInfinity Fibre Plan

Initially I was a little apprehensive about hooking up to fibre connections. From all reports via friends, colleagues, friends of friends etc, it seems you are doomed to using only the modem/router combination as provided by your ISP (M1, Singnet, Starhub) and you have little or no choice in using your own existing router.

Why does someone want to use his own router? For one thing, all your wireless SSID, security settings, DHCP, and so on, are already configured. If you have to dump your router and use only the one provided by the ISP you would have to set everything up again.

In any case I was surprised how easy it was.

When the Starhub guy came he said essentially that if I wanted to use my router I would have to disable DHCP on it and all my reservations will have to be done on the new router. I didn’t want to prolong the issue so I said ok, you set it up as you normally would, I would figure it out later.

Continue reading Using Existing DIR-655 Router with Starhub MaxInfinity Fibre Plan