I’m A Logitech Man!

I’m one of those people that don’t buy a complete set of PC from an established brand, be it Dell, Acer, HP or whatever. I have never believed in branded PCs, simply because the parts inside are all from the same places. They just package it together with “Technical Support” and a couple of “free software” (which you have to pay for in the end anyway) and mark the prices up to accomodate the support costs.

So yes, ever since I got my first PC XT (4.77 Mhz, 512K RAM) I’ve always “built my own” PC. Of course, nowadays I go to my favourite shop at the Holy Shrine of All Things Technological (Sim Lim Square lah!) and pick out parts I want, then ask them very nicely to help me fix them together. I would come back in about an hour or 2 and just pick it all up. But in the past, when I was younger and had more energy, I’d put everything together myself. In other words, I loved putting thermal paste on the heatsinks, stick it to the CPU (as in the chip, not the big case you guys call a “CPU”), then stick the CPU into the motherboard. I loved mangling all the wires, hooking up POWER, HDD, FDD etc cables to the the motherboard. I’d slot in RAMs and then fix it all into the case, and more fiddling of the wires.

When it was all over, it was time to install the OS.

Anyway the point of this blog post – over the years, I have unwittingly become a Logitech supporter. As I look at all my peripherals now, I am amazed that EVERY single one of them is a Logitech. No it wasn’t planned. It just happened that way.

This is what I have:


Logitech X-210
Logitech X-210 Speakers


Logitech NewTouch 200 Keyboard
Logitech NewTouch 200 Keyboard


Logitech MX-518 Gaming Mouse
Logitech MX-518 Gaming Mouse


Logitech Extreme 3D Pro
Logitech Extreme 3D Pro

Heh well, as I said, I never planned on it. It just happened that whenever I looked to buy something, eg a mouse, I would find the Logitech one  cheaper, and had all the features I wanted, when compared to others. Even the Logitech Keyboards are cheap too! Oh yes, I don’t buy those “Media” keyboards. The extra keys would mean that you need to run yet-another-driver to enable them to launch the browser, email, etc. Some “Media” keyboards would add “functionalities” to the existing F keys eg Printing on F5, Run MS Word on F3 etc. These would screw up not just games, but other normal apps or even within Windows.

An example – when I want to rename a file, I press F2 and then I type the name I want to change it to. With a “Media” Keyboard that has F2 remapped to launch the Calculator (as an example), I won’t be able to rename the file that way. Every time I press F2 the Calculator would launch.

So yeah, I always buy and use the normal, “classic” kind of keyboards – no extra keys for me please.

Mice and Joysticks are ok with more than the usual number of buttons 🙂

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