20:41 by FoxTwo
A couple of weeks ago, Entrecard rolled out their new pricing structure. Prices were crazy back then.
Now, they've stabilised, and thus far, the most expensive I've seen right now across all categories, is just 8192 creds. Not too bad, like the crazy prices of 2 weeks ago, but still, it'll take 2 weeks for anybody to drop enough cards to make 8000 credits just to advertise on the blog.
Pricing aside, Entrecard is one of the better traffic-generation systems available actually. The moment you put a blog onto Entrecard, you get a surge of incoming traffic. I've only been in Entrecard for 4 months, since about December 2007, but in that time I have seen Entrecard steadily providing traffic. So much so, that it overtook my Singapore statistics and made USA visitors become the predominant incoming traffic to my site instead (not much, about 2% more, but still, more).
Lately, since I'm jobless, I've also been (finally!) looking around for a new template for my other blogs. Just the other day, I found a pretty cool-looking one via yet another Entrecard blog, GosuBlogger. Looked nice enough for me to spend 1 whole day yesterday just re-doing my gaming site, Shades Of Twilight, up.
Now that I've gotten the gaming site up and running on the new blogskin, I thought I might as well put it up on Entrecard too, and see how well it fares there.
It's only a matter of time before I get a new template for my 3rd blog, I'm Such A Loser, and get it up on Entrecard too! :)
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15:23 by FoxTwo
Advertlets Took Me Down, So I Took Them Out
Thank you for giving me a wake-up call. It's not enough that I should take care of my own servers, but I should be mindful of which widgets and advertisements I put on my blog. Your recent "partial outage" completely redirected all my blogs to some parking page, and new visitors to my sites will instantly have the impression that I'm a spammer instead of a blogger.
You took me down, and now I'm taking you out.
Your ads will no longer run on my blogs. Maybe after you get your act together, I might reconsider. Might.
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10:37 by FoxTwo
Entrecard Gets More Traffic For Your Blog
First of all, let me just say this blog isn't really popular. My page rank is 0 (ie a pr0n site *grin*), my Alexa rank is over 1 million etc. This blog was originally meant as my ranting outlet. For me, something as insignificant (to you maybe) as having 3.2 pageviews per unique visitor is alot for me.
It's now just about 30 hours since I joined Entrecard. A quick check of my website statistics show that for yesterday, Entrecard sent 38% of my total traffic, while ping.sg provided about 15% which is pretty typical for ping.sg (unless my blog title has a sex-related word in it like NAKED or NUDE, in which case ping.sg will send like 80% of my traffic for the day).
It's also worth noting that yesterday was the official launch party, so there's actually less people from ping.sg surfing the net, all were busy at the event.
Looking at the preliminary figures, I'm actually quite excited about Entrecard. Blogrush really needs to rename itself to BlogTrickle.
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02:55 by FoxTwo
Entrecard - What Blogrush Should Have Been
I joined Blogrush too, and although I do get a few clicks and and there from Blogrush, it's not exactly a "rush" of traffic.
If you look on my left sidebar, right under the "Crazyhamster.net" graphic, you'll notice a new "adspace". Technically it's an ad, but it's also a "business card" for blogs. The best thing about it, is that it works 1000 times better than Blogrush. It's called Entrecard.
Here's an example. I saw this on Merdurian's blog, approximately 1.50am Singapore time. By the time I signed up and created a widget, and put it on my site, it was about 2am. By 2.30am I've gotten 6 "business cards" from other blogs/websites wanting to post their graphic up on my blog here. That's an average of 1 request every 5 mins!
And, keep in mind, these figures are just for when people actually click to drop their "cards"! There is also traffic where they do not drop their cards (hey I can't blame 'em... can't please everybody all the time).
How does it work? Well you sign up, FREE. You make a widget (and you can put in your own graphic too), and then you post it up on your blog. When people come by your blog and like it enough to want to "advertise" on your blog, they "drop their card" by clicking on the yellow bar at the bottom. It gets routed to your inbox at Entrecard where you can approve or reject their ad request.
Or, you can click the big graphic and visit the advertiser's site.
Simple eh?
In the time that it took me to write this post, I've gotten FOUR more ad requests, and I took only like 15 mins to do this post up! Maybe in a few more days I'll put up some screenshots of website visits to see how well Entrecard worked.
So, talk about "rush". Blogrush should have worked like this.
Labels: advertise, Entrecard, internet
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11:35 by FoxTwo Yes I finally did it!
I signed up for payperpost! Well I signed up like 3 weeks or a month ago, but I finally got approved. Must be due to their backlog that it took them so long to approve my blog. I just got the notification last night, 7th November 2007.
Why did I do that? Well I have seen some blogs sporting the nice fancy "HIRE ME" badge, and wondered what it was. I followed the links and it brought me to Pay Per Post. I read up on their offers, their methods and payment and so on. It sounded good, so I signed up.
Besides, looking at some sites like Uncle Sha's, he seem to be doing all right for himself. I am just hoping to generate a little extra cash. After all, a little extra cash doesn't hurt :)
For one thing, I'm glad I registered my own domain. It'll be a bit easier to get the "open opportunities" posts. Sometimes I think it's pretty biased that the sponsors specify that "blogspot.com" and "wordpress.com" blogs are not eligible. I think it's unfair of them since not everyone wants/are able to afford their own domain, or get a domain that they really want.
When I first saw the open market section I was actually thrilled. Some of the stuff they offer there, I had wanted to write about (but somehow didn't get around to doing it). Now that there's "monetary incentives" involved, perhaps I'll finally get of my rear-end and actually put pen-to-paper, as it were (or is it 'finger to keyboard' now?).
With the recent uproar about Nuffnang, and the actions of Advertlets, I'm just wondering if Pay Per Post might be a better alternative. Or perhaps, a secondary, parallel alternative. After all, serving ads is one thing, being able to write about something you love/hate and getting paid for it is another!
In any case, if I ever do make heaps of money off Pay Per Post, all you pingsters can enjoy a sumptous dinner on me :)
Labels: advertise, Pay Per Post
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