10:10 by FoxTwo Long time ago, some bright spark thought that putting a "mobile TV" on buses would be a neat idea. At the time, the TV had no sound, but advised people to tune to FM89.3 to listen to the audio from the TV.
And it was good. WAS.
Later on, either the same bright spark, or another one, thought that putting speakers into the buses was a good idea, cos "not everybody will have a radio on the bus". Duh! Nowadays you'd be hard-pressed to find a handphone that doesn't have FM Radio as one of its functions, just like you'd hardly be able to find a handphone without a camera.
Then, the explosion of iPods and Zens came. It was cool, it replaced the aging "walkman" and "discman" sets out there. What's not so good is that the bright sparks at the respective companies thought that "music should be shared" and made bloody mini speakers for the devices, and turning it into a "fashion accessory". In one fell swoop, they completely undid the good community service that Sony spent 20 years cultivating - listen to your music with EARPHONES!
Someone should glue those speakers to the bright spark who thought this up and blast the music from the iPod or Zen into their ears at full volume. After all, this is what's happening on our buses and trains now. Stupid teenagers blasting their "music", so kindly "sharing" it with everyone in the bus. Sometimes, I feel like taking out my Teochew Opera MP3s and blasting it back at them.
No I don't like opera. I don't even understand 'em, and I'm Teochew myself. I just converted a couple of my mom's Teochew Opera cassette tapes into MP3s for this purpose, although I haven't actually blasted them yet. I had been controlling myself thus far.
However, this morning really pushed me almost to the edge of me taking out my Teochew Opera and blasting it. The bloody schoolkid was sitting in the middle of the bus and blasting some heavy metal rock music or something (I dunno, since I can't understand a word of whatever the singer was screaming). Besides, his speakers sucked, and the music was highly distorted. He should get better speakers maybe, and perhaps his music might sound better.
As a side note - all your karaoke singers, take note. Singing louder does NOT make you sound better ok? Same goes for sucky music. Making it louder does NOT make it better. It just gives people a headache.
If any bright sparks from iPod or Creative is reading this, please, go smack yourselves silly and pull these damn speakers off the shelves, or stop making them. People who take buses and trains already have to put up with body odour, and being crammed like sardines. We don't need an assault on the auditory front too.
If anyone from TVMobile is reading this, please broadcast your audio solely on 89.3FM ok? Stop pushing the audio stream into the receivers on the buses. Or, maybe SBS should cut all the wires on the speakers.
Labels: quirks, Rant, Singaporeans
Dude,I totally agree on the auditory assault. Can you imagine, I can still hear those idiots even while listening to my music at rather high volume while using noise cancelling headphones. The next time, I totally urge you to blast your Teochew opera at them. See how they like it.
Hahaha I almost did today. It's so damn irritating man. In addition to Teochew Operas, I might get some Italian ones, and other screeching "music", and let loose on those idiots.
It's not the ipod/creative idiots who are to blame. Generally, ipod docks are not portable enough to be brought onto a bus/mrt. Its those idiots who designed speakers into phones for replaying music who should be blamed. I wish I were rich enough, I would just take the phone, stomp on it, then throw a couple of hundred dollar notes in the child's (its always kids,and almost always uneducated malay kids)lap.
Anonymous - yeah those bright sparks at the companies that made phones able to play music through the speakers should be strung and hung out to die.
And, someone really needs to tell TVMobile to stop sending audio streams in the video feed into the buses man... -
ok everyone, this is coming from a high school student. first , SHUT THE FUCK UP. We're goanna listen to our music loud, and theres NOTHING any of you can do about it. Got a problem? listen to your music so you dont have to hear ours, and stop bitching. we dont care about you, we want to listen to our music, fuck you
evan - thanks for the illuminating discourse on how you do not care. I guess then it'll make me feel better the next time I smash someone's MP3 player/phone/ipod up, because, I too, don't really care.